Youth Group Camping Trip

like a month ago (extreme procrastination strikes again) our youth group went on a 2-night camping trip. We went along and here are some pictures! Most of these are by Eliza so I'm in like one and that's it :P

 So after a long bus ride we got to the campsite and spent our first night. The next morning we were doing a bible study and this camel walked up to us and hung out for like 5 minutes...
 The tent in the desert, doing bible studies.
We did about 4 studies during the camp. They focused on salvation and what it should mean. We also sang a lot of songs.

 Apparently, Pepsi is going retro!
Card games

A dog adopted by one of the camp management guys. Her name is Lilly and she's trying and failing to get up onto the couch.

She likes Frisbees and ear scratches 

Giant Uno tournament

Henna tattoos pre-drying

Post drying


Pre-drying... etc etc

Horses that are available to ride

Campsite management building, about 500m away from the craziness of the actual camp. Good thinking there, tourism company.

Quad biking

Eliza and some of her friends taking selfies in the morning

Awesome desert view

This is our camp. It's a bunch of air-conditioned tents and meeting tents around some palm trees. They have great chicken masala!

Dune bashing

Traditional Emirati clothes

Another doggo


Camel for riding (he's a grumpy one)

Riding the horseys

Setting up a movie

Watching the movie

Sunset pictures

Eliza's favorite pic

Eliza's midnight selfie

More selfies

The camp at night

The camp in the morning.

These are the tents we stayed in. Fan or air-conditioning, rock-hard or squeaky beds. They were okish. Nothing some teenagers spending the whole day sledding down dunes, hiking and playing volleyball couldn't sleep in.

Eliza's tent

More henna

Last pic of the campground

One more sandboarding trip before heading home...


  1. Dude, bring back one of those pepsis PLEEESE

    1. IKR they're all over here, but no perfect :(


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