The Cribbage War

Yo dudes

So the grandparents on Dad's side of da fam just visited, and we went out of the apartment and did a lot of cool stuff. But when there was down time at the house, we had a different pastime: Cribbage.
It's this card game where there's a pegboard and little peg things. You get a hand and 'peg' as many
points as you can. If you reach the 120th peg first, congrats to you, you have won. Pegging points
consists of matching cards in your 4-card hand to certain rules. Cards that when combined add up to
15 give you 2 points. 3 or more cards that progress high to low or vise versa give you the number of
cards in the progression. Matching cards gives you 2 pegs.  A game takes like thirty minutes to play, but with the smack talk and the insults factored in, it takes more like 45.

Me, Ben, Grandpa, and Dad are the main cribbage duelers, but Greta and Eliza occasionally play a game or two.
Winnings are big bragging rights, especially if you 'skunk' someone.
Skunking means beating them by 30 or more 'pegs' and it's the most humilitaion sauce a player can bear in one day.
I skunked Grandpa (if you're reading this G, heheheheh)
I was skunked by Dad. 😦
I was beaten by Greta, but not skunked.
And on and on...
We must have played 20 or more games. It's a fun thing to do when you're just sitting around!


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