Emirates National Auto Museum (aka overkill)

Grandpa and me and Ben are big car fans, so we headed down the highway, and the freeway, and the back roads, and the side streets, and the roads that don't show up on Maps to find this hidden gem outside Abu Dhabi.

There's this dude named Sheikh Hamdan bin Hamad al Nahyan (and yes he's still alive) who really likes cars. I mean REALLY likes cars. It's like he's going through an eternal mid-life crisis. He has over 200 crazy vehicles and keeps them in this PYRAMID in the middle of the desert. So if you know where to go, you can buy a ticket in this crazy, crazy place and see them all.
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This is what greets you before you even enter.
It's a trailer (i think) shaped like the EARTH.
We don't know what's inside, it was locked.

The next thing you see is the biggest Jeep in the world.
It's so massive!
This guy likes big stuff, but these cars have been run only like what, twice?
It's a bit sad.
When you enter the first exhibit is really old cars from the very beginning of Abu Dhabi. I bet it took about a year to vacuum the sand out of it.
So this is what a Ford hood ornament looked like in the 30's...
This car is 2/3 the size of the 30's cars. I know what Greta's gonna drive when (if) she gets her license!
The next section was 50's to like, 90's. The cars were all kinda mixed together, it was a bit disorganized. But the muscle cars are cool!
Sheik Hamdan really likes Mercedes cars. He probably has like 50 of them. He even made a monster-truck Mercedes!
But I wonder why he bought this little economy car...
This is a super-rare Japanese sportscar named the Endurance.
I wonder why he's named the Rainbow Sheikh... hmmm
And here is a mid-life crisis car for the super-exclusive.
Some cool old pickups. This dude has them all.
This is the gem of the museum, an absolutely huuuuge Dodge Power Wagon.
It has a master bedroom, bathroom, living room, guest room, etc etc.
And it still runs!

Pics with the museum. There are so many cars it's like a parking garage in heaven.
Here's another pic of the truly massive Dodge.
The car under it is a similar truck for scale.
Here's a shot overlooking the whole museum.
Last pic. This is a crazy 16 lighted golf cart next to the power wagon. Both have only run a handful of times.

So all in all, this pyramid of automobiles in the middle of nowhere is the coolest car museum I've been to. I hope to come back soon.
Well done Rainbow Sheik, I approve of your hobby :)


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