Bouncy Boat Trip

Okay, your probably thinking "I DON'T WANNA SEE ANY MORE OF YOUR BOAT STUFFS!" And I don't blame you. But this one is much better than all the the others, because
A. we did it with family
and B. we didn't just have boring old cookout.
First, we drove all the way to the other side of town to the Emirates Palace Marina for better site-seeing and bathrooms. We looked for our boat the pontoon but it was being cleaned, so instead we changed route to another boat with a bathroom, bigger roof, and a giant place in the front covered with cushions to lay on.
It also had two engines. First we went to Maya island to have our cookout. While there we caught eating size crabs,

chased fishes, floated in drifts,
and ate amazingly delicious food. We had Lamb kofta, chicken and pepper kababs, and Lays, Cheetos, and Doritos. We also had strawberries and soda. We swam after that and had a bouncy boat trip to another un-named island. There were shells galore, but farther up the beach there was just trash. I entertained myself by finding sticks to break stuff with, throwing glass bottles against rocks and watching them explode, building myself a fort, and finding trash I could use as weapons. after a full day of fun, food, and forgotten junk, we headed home to a birthday cake for Grandma and a game of phase 10. Unfortunately, we couldn't eat the crabs we caught because one died so the other became poisoned because of him, at least that's what I heard from what I understood of the gibberish dad and Greta were saying. Overall a fun day, and the best boat trip yet.


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