animals galore

The animals we saw when grandma and grandpa were here were numerous. We saw (and/or caught;) 2 EATING SIZE blue crabs (I was so proud (and scared out of my wits) when we caught the crabs. We tried to eat them but dad found out that when crabs die they excrete toxins that leak into the live crab and make them both inedible.😢), several antelope, many camels, a thousand fish, crabs (blue, hermit, normal, purple shore, and one other I can't identify,) Some sea stars (those were my favorite thing I caught while they were here,) lots of birds, jellyfish, a falcon, and probably other things I can't remember.

catching crabs

 people watching Ellie and I catch crabs. 
Huge right?

2 huge crabs! Yum!


 Camel and baby camel

 Real falcon!!

 Camel photo bomb!

 Getting on a camel

And a hermit crab. (the pointy thing on the end of the stick.)


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