The Late Happy Birthday(s) Post

     As a result of procrastination of fantastic proportions, I am blogging about my birthday a day week month late. Thing is, I didn't have a birthday party or even a birthday day, but a birthday month. We had family come and visit us when it was close-ish to the big day, so I got to celebrate with people from home! I celebrated with Farm Grandpa first when he came to visit us. We went to the Cheesecake Factory on my birthday!!! 😋 We had a lunch of various dishes and apple pie a la mode for dessert. 
*stomach growls*

Waiting for cheesecake after lunch
Just kidding! We did have a lunch of various dishes but, mindful of where we were, we had cheesecake for dessert. We tried Oreo, Carrot Cake, and Cookie Dough cheesecakes, all of which are rich, creamy, and so, SO delicious. However, my favorite kind was the Carrot Cake Cheesecake. SO YUMMY.
How on earth is one supposed to choose just one kind of cheesecake?!

Eventually, we all did choose one kind to eat


After Grandpa traveled back to the states, my family and I celebrated with Dad, since he was on a work trip on my birthday. We went to see Black Panther in movie theaters and IT WAS AWESOME. No spoilers, though, don't worry. But really, it was brilliant. Seriously, just brilliant. Why are you still reading this?! Go get tickets and watch it!
     Anyway, my birthday wasn't the only one celebrated recently. When City Grandma and Grandpa came to visit us, it just so happened to be Grandma's birthday!
My family and my cousins' family got Grandma a gold necklace that says grandma in Arabic. It's pronounced 'jidah', the first sound being a cross between g, j, and z, the rest is 'idah', with the accent on the d.
Mom, Greta, Grandma, and I went and got henna (Indian tattoo that seriously should be a legit art form) 
In the henna studio - Yes, Greta got Hamster henna

Finished product!!
and on a different day surprised her with a Baskin Robbins ice cream cake for her birthday since she couldn't get it in Sioux Falls. That also was super delicious and chocolatey.
Happy Birthday, Grandma!!


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