Beach Barbecue at Al Maya Island

          Okay, we've already done a cookout, but we haven't done it with relatives. We had to do a 25 minute boat ride out there to Al Maya Island. Imagine a boat ride as riding in a rock crawler going 20-35 mph depending on the boat. Most of the rent-able boats are able to support water sports, like wake boarding, floatie floatie-ing, and hot-doging. At top speed some boats can get up to two seconds of air! On the way back we saw a dolphin!

          The food we cooked was delicious, we had lamb kofta (like a kebab), Cheetos
and Lays, chicken and pepper kebabs, and two sodas each! I like to eat in the shade, on a chair in the water, and on a lounge chair. Dad cooked the food on a rented grill.

Afterwords, we buried the coals.

          There's a lot of things you can do at Al Maya. You can swim around the coral. You can play on the anchor rope. You can build a sand castle. You can snorkel around. snork snork snork. A lot of stuff to do at Al Maya Island. Grandpa even dunked himself into the water!

Bennett out.

No wait, Bennett back in. Goodbye!

Okay now Bennett out.


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