In Which We Find Treasure

In Which We Find Treasure 
By Henry

Today was AWESOME, both money-wise, fun-wise, and food-wise. Let me explain. We awoke and began our day with going to church (again, they go to church on Friday), and the church we tried out was pretty nice. It reminded me a little of our church at home, Northbrook. The church apparently periodically lets its youth group run the service! (They did a great job)
    Anyway, after the service came to a close because it was Cinco de Mayo, we drove to a Mexican restaurant, where I got to try an authentic Mexican soda named Jarritos! It had the taste of lemon-lime, and it was super fizzy. We had wanted to go to the beach in this area for a while, and now that we had the opportunity, we threw down our burrito platters and headed down the road 10 minutes to reach the Arabian Gulf. This beach \, Saadiyat Public Beach, was amazing. Words don't do justice so I will use Eliza's picture-caption technique to retell this to you.

Eliza savorin' Jarritos. She got the mango version (traitor)

Finding CASH on the ocean floor!!! Apparently, money doesn't grow on trees, 
it drifts along the seafloor. I found 50 dirhams (about 15-20 bucks) 
and Ellie found 15 dirhams (about 5 bucks).

Dad n' Ben having Dad n' Ben time.

Me looking for more money. The water was crystal clear!

Dad and Mom getting their selfie wrecked by Ellie the nuclear photo-bomber.

CRABS! The ocean here had SO much life in it!! I would dive underwater, smack a jellyfish (they are harmless) and pick up an unshelled crab on the way up. No kidding.
Anyway, here is Greta savoring our finds.

A jellyfish in a goggle. Because we can. A Crab in a shell. Because it's cute.

And finally, a video of the wildlife!

After that, we went home and watched science videos while eating Ramen and Doritos and Mom and Dad walked the Marina. The perfect end to a great day.

That's all,


  1. A great tale henry. Mn gov mark Dayton should move to the UAE, he looovvvesss clear water. You all look great. I must say that's a long way to go to find a great Mexican restaurant. Keep those blogs coming. You all look great. Love Ya All,, grandpa M

  2. This is Gage, glad you guys are having a great time in Abu Dhabi! Keep up the good work with the blog! It is nice to hear from you guys.


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