Wow, today was so much fun! We did a lot, so I'll use the picture+caption technique again:
I don't know how well you can see it, but this truck we saw has the license plate number Z 5. This is picture worthy because the lower the license plate number in the UAE, the richer or more important the owner of the car is. Last year somebody bought the D 5 (<-- link to article) license plate for 33 million dirhams! |
This is the sign, with beautiful Arabic on it, for the place around which we went sight seeing: Al Fahidi historical neighborhood. All the buildings are the old traditional stone and wood with high air towers and narrow alleys. It even has part of the original Dubai city wall. Hardly anyone was outside, so I kinda imagined it like a ghost town! |
This is the obviously awesome sign for the coffee museum we toured.
Next, you'll see some pictures from inside. |
Dad and his espresso from the upstairs. |
A bunch of really neat and beautiful teacups we found. Did I mention they are tiny? Because seriously, they are minuscule. (My head for scale.) People here sip little cups of coffee. And no one carries around a Starbucks to go. |
Here is one of the exhibits from the Coffee Museum. Here dad bought a cup of coffee that a lady from Ethiopia (the birthplace of coffee drinking) made over charcoal. See the black coffee pot on the box on the left? |
Ben trying Ethiopian coffee. We all tried it. It was kinda of extremely bitter chocolate-ish. We each only got a taste, because tiny cups (see above) |
Also Ben, his favorite coffee, and what that apparently says about him, a.k.a. the Coffee Zodiac. This was in a book the museum had "Coffee Gives me Superpowers". Ben's preference for instant NesCafe means he is "cheerful and optimistic, laid-back, and tend to put things off." Apparently. |
Greta doesn't drink coffee, but if she did she decided she would like a cappuccino, and therefore she is "obsessive and controlling, creative, honest, and motivated, makes excellent friends but gets bored with unimaginative people." Yup. |
Henry's was freakishly accurate. "Latte: tends to be neurotic, likes to please people, often indecisive." He freaked out over the word "neurotic" because he thinks it perfectly describes himself. Also, I think it's his new favorite word... |
Me and Frappuccino. As far as accuracy, I know that these statements are purposely written vaguely, so I don't really care as much as Henry did. Mine says "Will try anything once, trendsetter, adventurous and courageous, and does not make healthy choices". |
This is the selfie we took on our boat tour! I haven't been in a motorized boat for a long time, so it was kinda nostalgic. We saw a lot of weird things on our tour, like a "Caution: Men At Work" sign drifting away on open water. 😁 We also saw the palace of someone from Oman! |
And this is the cherry on top: The Amphibious Tour Bus. SOOO COOOOL!! |
This is the restaurant we ate at for lunch. It was really good, like, THE BEST |
This is the menu from the restaurant, everything is authentic arabian, extremely well prepared, and it tasted really good! We all had chicken or fish. No one felt adventurous enough to try the "Lint Broth". |
And here is all the food we were given, and none of us, not even Dad, could finish all of what was on their plate(s). It was insanely good though. |
Here is Henry and Ben with their new haircuts, and Dad with his new haircut and accidental facial and Botox. Doesn't he look 10 years younger! |
And finally, guess who lost a tooth right before I posted this? Greta! She can't remember how many teeth she's lost. "A lot." she says. We'll see if the legendary Tooth Fairy stops in Dubai... |
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