Big. Whoop. (An indoor amusement park)

While Greta and Ben were at their Kidzania thing, me and Eliza took the course of AWESOME and went to an indoor amusement park. The only picture I have. Mom and the peanut gallery in the picture were gone almost all of the time. The game pictured was a tank-style shoot the other player game. So, since I have no pictures, I will actually WRITE about what it was like. After dropping Greta and Bennett off at the Kidzan-a-whats-it place, me and Eliza went to the Sega Republic theme park, which was conveniently situated about 20 feet away from Kidzania. After checking in and receiving Game Pass cards, we went with our homeschool group friends and did rides like the Sonic Hopper (a tower drop thing) SpinGear, (a rollercoaster) and Robotnik, (a spinning throw up hard on your everywhere ride). There were also arcade games like the tank shooter above, racing games, bumper cars, VR rides (like a non-moving rollercoaster), and some crazy thing where you get in a real ca...