Boats and Bombs
Basically, I just had the coolest, weirdest, most frightening boat trip happen.
We were out on a boat with me and Ben's friends from the church, Ezra and Gabriel. We were in a fast boat, so we were able to travel to some of the islands way out there. We decided to stop on a big one with a very rocky beach.
After swimming around and checking out half of a fishing boat that was washed up on the beach, me and Ezra decided to walk around the island. That's when we noticed this really rusty box, about twice the dimensions of a cereal container. Well, naturally we wondered what was inside because the latches were rusted shut and obviously something was in there. We scratched and pulled at the latches for about ten minutes until we decided to just throw it on the sand, and poof... one side of the lid popped off. We could then wrench the other side off and see what was inside. Well, we thought they were posters at first. Inside were three long black tubes, and get this: The inside was sealed. Like, no rust. That's crazy. Anyhow, we took them out and looked them over. There was a label on the side of one, and here's what it looked like:

We were out on a boat with me and Ben's friends from the church, Ezra and Gabriel. We were in a fast boat, so we were able to travel to some of the islands way out there. We decided to stop on a big one with a very rocky beach.
After swimming around and checking out half of a fishing boat that was washed up on the beach, me and Ezra decided to walk around the island. That's when we noticed this really rusty box, about twice the dimensions of a cereal container. Well, naturally we wondered what was inside because the latches were rusted shut and obviously something was in there. We scratched and pulled at the latches for about ten minutes until we decided to just throw it on the sand, and poof... one side of the lid popped off. We could then wrench the other side off and see what was inside. Well, we thought they were posters at first. Inside were three long black tubes, and get this: The inside was sealed. Like, no rust. That's crazy. Anyhow, we took them out and looked them over. There was a label on the side of one, and here's what it looked like:

Cartridge, smearsmear
smear Mortar, W/Fuze, smearsmear
For mortar, m252
We had literally just thrown bombs around.
And, being teenage boys, our first reaction was, "How cool is THAT?!"
Then came stupid decision #2: Bringing it on the boat.
Mom agreed to take one quick picture, and then "get that thing back on the beach now."
For reference, here's a video of a mortar in action:
Then we all got back on the boat and tried to go around the island to play on the other side. You know, where nothing will explode. Unfortunately, that means going out in the open ocean. We ended up getting mauled by a huge wave and having to turn back. Now it was late, so we ended up motoring back to inform the Coast Guard of what we had found. I should mention that the beach we were on was about 5 miles from the Sheikh's Palace.
They were pretty weirded out, so we ended up escorting them back to the island to show them exactly where the mortars were. It was glorious watching these boats with giant machine guns follow us.
They took a picture of Dad's ID and got his phone number. Then we watched them as they approached these three bombs. They never touched them. Seriously. They radioed and put flashy oh-no-there's-something-wrong lights on but they never touched them!
Eventually after 15 minutes of watching them stare at the canisters of death we had to return our rental boat, because our time was up.
Nothing ever came up in the news, nothing from the Coast Guard.
So, I guess...
You heard it here first, folks.
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