Avengers in Arabia

     So, you may have heard about the new Marvel movie that came out recently: Infinity War. (Pls, no spoilers. I will find you.) I guess it looked pretty cool, and my family decided we should go see it. However, hitherto this point in time, I had never seen a Marvel movie in theaters, except Black Panther, which also came out rather recently. I haven't even watched all the movies, and the ones I have seen were out of order. Every time I watched one, I was like:
Image result for avengers confused gif

     BUT WAIT, before you take me to court and sue me for misuse of movie watching privileges, hear me out. We are trying to make up for past wrongs. While Dad is out on business trips (he's seen basically every one of them), the rest of the family has started from the beginning, watching basically every Marvel movie in order this time, including the Marvel One Shots.

     We began with Captain America: The First Avenger (One Shot: Agent Carter) and Iron Man 1+2 (One Shot: A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Thor's Hammer), skipped the Incredible Hulk, moved on to Thor (One Shot: The Consultant), and now most recently, The Avengers.

     Guys, trust me on this one, watching them in order is SO much better. I understand the plot and the characters more. Anytime someone does ANYTHING on screen, they're instantly promoted to my new fave, however, Black Widow and Hawkeye are most frequently #1.

     On the day we watched Thor and The Avengers (double feature!!!) I was feeling like baking, and school was light. So, I made a bunch of sugar cookies. Mom ran to the grocery store and got seriously over-priced sprinkles
Image result for lord business lego movie taco gif

 and food coloring. That afternoon, Greta, Ben, Henry, Mom, and I had a decorating contest to see who could decorate the best Marvel Universe themed cookies to eat with the movie.

Workin' on our cookies:
(I should mention it took almost three hours to complete them all)

Finished products:
(minus Stark's hamburger-cookie, which was promptly eaten BEFORE DINNER😯)





And mine:


  1. Replies
    1. I am that far behind?? Oh, man!!! I have seen Captain America and a few others, but I got confused quickly. Now I know I need to watch them in order...Or give up. 😉

    2. Yeah, the movies make so much more sense when you watch them in order! There's a lot of jokes too, that are also references to past movies.

  2. Hey, everyone! I'm really sorry about the pictures not showing up, but I think I've fixed it now.


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