Teeny. Tiny. Turtles.

It's TURTLE season here in the Arabian Gulf!! For about two months, the turtles have been nesting on the beaches in the UAE, and just recently, they've been hatching! Every day in the past eight weeks has seen numerous volunteers get up at 4-5 am and patrol the beaches, looking for turtles, turtle nests, turtle tracks in the sand, and sea snakes, shells, exercise, or a sunrise walk. Almost every Monday morning, my family and I patrolled Saadiyat Island, but so far, no one, no matter the day, has found a nest. Not in two whole months. That is not the case everywhere, fortunately, and other places have seen as many as fifty nests in one long stretch of beach. Saturday evening, we were invited, in a short-notice Facebook post, to help release about 35 BABY HAWKSBILL TURTLES. So presh. NOW, THE MOMENT YOU'VE ALL BEEN WAITING FOR... PICTURESSS!!!! Baby turtles pre-release Happiness overload. I can't tell who is more precious, Ben, or the turtle. Turtle ...