Camel Races

What are camel races? Camel races are a free event in Dubai where rich people buy a camel and a robotic jockey and race them against other camels and their jockeys. White cars follow the camels around and control the jockeys and honking and yelling. There were also free snacks: drinks and Arabic desserts and eventually whole meals.
 Camel milk try 2.0 verdict = 👍

There was also date flavored camel milk but we didn't get a picture. There was a box of sweets with little squares that melted in your mouth and squares that were covered in sugar and were kinda squishy and two kinds of pistachio treats and cake and a green melted thing that tasted surprisingly good.=)

The camels are chased around the track by lots of trucks. There are more trucks than camels and some have tv camera guys mounted on top to record and project the race to the spectators on big screens. The trucks were white because white reflects heat and thus stays cooler.

Lots of trucks had low number licence plates. This is important because here, lower numbers on a license plate are prestigious and can go for thousands or even millions of dirhams at auction, while higher numbers mean the person is an average normal person and took the license plate he/she was given. The robotic jockeys are controlled from the these cars.

 The multicolored lump on each camel is the jockey. The jockeys have little whips attached and that is what gives them the robot part. There are so many jockeys some are the same color!
 Grandpa standing next to a camel
    Camels waiting to start
 Camel parade
   Grandpa standing next to another camel

All in all, I thought  the camel races were super fun and a great leaning experience. I will have to go again!

p.s. Mom recorded a (Sadly vertical) video of the camel race start and uploaded it here:


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