Music to a Father's Ears

In high school I was known as someone who dabbled in the arts.  I explored many mediums like pottery, painting, etching, carving, sculptures, and drawing even winning an honorable mention for an etching of a raccoon at the edge of a forest my junior year as part of a Sioux Falls wide high school art competition.  My senior year I dabbled in the written word writing poetry and songs, and had a number of them published in various high school publications.  My favorite of all was writing poetry and music, I have always been deeply moved by well written words.  However I'm not musically gifted at all.  So with the kids getting more and more talented at piano and guitar I asked if they would put to music song lyrics which I would write.  Eliza was quick to enthusiastically respond "Yes!" as she has been writing her own instrumental pieces on piano for a while.  But Henry, on the other hand, wanted to know my qualifications if he was going to spend his time and talents on such a project.  Since high school I have only written poetry and letters to Pam for her eyes only, so he was unsure what to expect and wanted to know if I was as talented as Weird Al Yankovic because if I wasn't then he was not interested.  Phew, I was afraid he would expect the artistic talents of Andrew Peterson, Casting Crowns, or Jars of Clay - so I told him I was pretty sure I could pull off Weird Al like lyrics.  So here are two songs I wrote, one for Eliza and one for Henry to each put music to.  Eliza put beautiful music to what I wrote, but has since lost what she wrote much to her Father's sadness.  So I cannot share it with you with the music included.   Henry still has yet to keep up his end of the deal - perhaps because I made sure to write a Weird Al like song that would be "weird" for his middle school boy sensibilities to accept!  ;)  Call it Daddy revenge for the insult of poor taste in music.

Eliza's song, which I have not titled yet, including comments as to the type of music/transitions to include that I provided her, as well as singing to her how I envisioned it being sung.


[Intro/Verse 1 - Where is God?  minor key, somber, slow]
So the prophets proclaim "The Lord Speaks",
they say the Sovereign is not silent
And the healers say the Lord wants to heal,
yet there remains an earthly internment
Whose voice is the Lord's in this thundering chorus?
Which Holy Book should I study?
And the drumbeat of death's song still marches on
stealing both the heathen and holy

[Hope - hints of optimism of major key in notes]
The voice of the Lord, it comes with a whisper
which speaks to the living yet dead
a life-giving spirit, that blows where it wishes
opens ears to hear what's been said

[Chorus - major key]
The Word became flesh
so flesh could beat death
and glorify God on the Earth
And this awakened heart knows
the Poet whose prose
makes our cups overflow

[Verse 2 - Hope made sure - full optimism]
The voice of the Lord, revealed through the Son
now speaks from a heavenly throne
saying "Be still and know", "Have life eternal",
for "I've taken you as my own"

[Chorus - major key loud]

[Bridge - quieter/slower again with hints of optimism building to chorus again]
He is there, in what has been made
He is there, speaking still today
He is there, in the written page
Brother believe, sister believe
He will heal, wiping tears away
He will heal, at the end of days
He will heal, till no sin remains
Brother believe, sister believe
Everyone!  Everywhere! Listen!!!

[Chorus - major key loud]

[Chorus - major key then fade out]

Henry's Song, a Parody of the song "Happy", which I have titled "Sappy"  :)  It is every 13 year old boy's dream to bang out a song like this on his ax, don't you think?


[Verse 1]
It might seem crazy what I'm about to say
You complete me honey sugar cake
I lose my breath when I see your face
Without air, like I don't care, baby, by the way


Because I'm sappy
Clap along if your feelings slip right out of you
Because I'm sappy
Clap along if you caught a case of the love-bird flu
Because I'm sappy
Clap along if roses are red and violets are still blue
Because I'm sappy
Clap along if you feel over-sentimental too

[Verse 2]
Sorry I ooze mushiness and blech, yeah,
Well, true love has a way, always coming back, yeah,
Well, I should probably warn you I'll be just fine, yeah,
If I offended you, with my sappy lines
Here's why



Sweetie doll
Love pumpkin
Sweetie doll
My love is too high
Sweetie doll
Love pumpkin
Sweetie doll
I said (let me tell you now)
Sweetie doll
Love pumpkin
Sweetie doll
My love is too high
Sweetie doll
Love pumpkin
Sweetie doll
I said

[Chorus x2]

(you can predict the rest if you know the song)...

But the most joyful and heart-warming outcome of all of this was 9 year old Bennett surprising me by telling me he wrote a song too.  His first draft was really good, but needed a little theological help on the Trinity.  After helping him fix a couple lines the result would be lovely to hear set to a tune which I hope he does some day soon.  But even without that, I am praising God for this lyrical confession from my youngest, and prayerfully hoping it reveals a born-again heart.  Here is Ben's song (he has not titled it yet).


[Verse 1]
you took on flesh
became greater than kings
then you died on the cross
to save us from our sins
then you rose again
the stone was rolled away
you ascended to heaven
on that magnificent day

Born like a peasant
but really a king
when we hear your voice
we come running
sent by the father
to make us all sons
come save us Jesus
you are the risen One

[Verse 2]
Born in the stable
with the sheep and ox
laughed upon and killed
on the wonderful cross
but you came to life
you rose alive again
then you went back to the Father
forever you will reign


you made the ax to float
you made the lame to walk
you walked upon the sea
you calmed the raging waves
you turned water to wine
you made fishers of men
you made the coin in the fish's mouth
you can do everything


Ahhh, that makes me smile!  :)  Hope it makes you smile too.  May the risen Peasant King reign over our hearts and may our heavenly Father take joy in our songs - even the sappy ones!  :)


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