Day 6: Splashing and Spinney's

             Hi! This is now Henry!

    This is my first blog post, so I'll try to avoid major rabbit trails and provide good reading.
Today was rather quiet, and we stayed at the hotel most of the day. We woke up in the morning to a nice breakfast Mom prepared. After that, we donned walking shoes and strolled along the marina to a British-ish supermarket of sorts named Spinneys. There we exchanged our US dollars to UAE dirhams. Not criticizing, but they have boring coins. Anyway, inside Spinneys, it was different than the other markets I've been to before in that it was much less crowded, some signs were completely English instead of multi-lingual, and it sold pork in a closed-off section. Selling pork is rare since Islam deems pork "unclean". Anyway, after getting groceries, we walked along the marina home.

The pork room, which is deep in the back of the store, is loaded with bacon, ham, and the occasional Spam tin. Even Pop-Tarts are in here (they have pork in them, apparently)

Walking home dwarfed by skyscrapers

Eliza savoring Australian/English candies

    After going home and having pizza quesadillas, we donned swim gear and went to the pool, which we do almost every day (nothing else to do). Since no one has gone into detail about the pool, then I will elaborate on it. It is on the 5th floor, which sounds high, but it's really not. The pool is shaped somewhat like a jelly bean and is about 4 and a half feet (1.6 meters) deep all around. The water is always warm from the heat, and it is largely unoccupied most of the time. Anyway, we all swam there for about three hours, and made a new friend, whose name is Adan. We played Freeze Tag and Marco Polo with him for about an hour, then went back for dinner. 😃



  1. Love the pictures and glad you found bacon!!! Very interesting how the shopping experiences are. The pool doesn't look that high up with the big buildings behind it! Great writing Henry!

  2. Thank you! I'm glad you liked the pictures, because Mom made a big effort to catch the one of us jumping in the pool! Bacon is like 15 dollars a pack, so I think it might be a rare treat, sadly.

    Missing all, (but liking it here)

  3. Thank you, Henry, for keeping us updated! It's fun to hear about your experiences and what it's like for you in a new country. How is the apartment hunt going?

    1. Um, I found one I really like. It's called Khalifa City A. We are also looking at a beachside place that looks cool, and others.

  4. I'm guessing the pop tarts may have gelatin in them which is typically a beef product.
    Andrew Mossman

  5. Today I learned! Thanks for telling us, I was curious!

  6. Hello, peeps! Glad to know that you people are getting along well! (Well, except for the camel milk, that would have been hilarious to watch, 😂) Anyway, hope you guys LOVE drinking camel milk and eating the rare, and exquisite, porky poptarts.
    With all kindness, sincerity,
    And wishes of hope (maybe),
    Gage Neudigate

  7. Hey peep! Yeah, getting along for the most part, anyway! Actually turns out, it wasn't camel milk exactly. Oops. Oh well.
    Good to hear from you! I hope you and your family are doing well!



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