Chefs of the World, Take Note:

Do not, under any circumstances, drink camel milk. EVER.
*dramatic music*
Reason number one: Smell

  • It smells like yogurt. Which isn't bad for yogurt, but when you smell it for another food *shudders* It catches you off guard.
Reason number two: Appearances

  • They say you can't judge a book by its cover, but in this case, when your drink is separating into layers before your eyes, I think it's safe to say it's probably not homogenized.
Reson number three: Taste

  • The final factor in our gourmet disaster. It tastes like: "Expired plain yogurt that has been mixed with rotten eggs." (Henry) "It was like bitter milk" (Dad) "Yeah, and that has been blasted by a nuke?! More like; a skunk sat in a milk carton and FARTED." (Henry) Interpret that conversation how you will, both are perfectly accurate descriptions.
Ben puked his out back into his cup. Greta cheated and merely smelled it. The rest of us managed somehow to swallow our medicine.

Moral of this story is, when in Dubai, DON'T do as the locals do. Unless you like camel milk. Weirdo.


No camels were harmed in the making of this post. Except for Phil. That was unfortunate.


  1. Bahahaha....we are laughing to hard over! we won't be trying any when we come out there! Love you guys!

    1. Glad you got a laugh out of it! Yes, this once I won't pressure you to try something new! :)

  2. Wonder if it tastes any better/different when it's straight from the udder? :) Don't get kicked! ;)

    Andrew M


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