Paint balling on my birthday

For my birthday (11!) we went paint balling. We all got our fair share of bruises. (mom didn't want to show hers but it was horrible.) We all also got shot with loads of paint It hurt. We all had fun but I don't think we'll be going back. It really hurt. The ground of the arena was full of paint balls that hadn't exploded on someone. I had a paint grenade that I gave to Henry. He got dad with it, it was funny because dad saw it and literally started hopping away with fright. On my team was Henry and Ben (red). Eliza and the parents were on the other team (black). When I ran out of bullets mom supplied me with more and told me to get dad with them, because he shot her in the heinie. as soon as she finished saying that I whirled around and got dad good. He said that it hurt every where. Paint balling is fun, but make sure you are ready for a bruising.