Camping in the Desert!

On Friday the 24 and Saturday the 25, we went camping in the desert. Our day started with an interesting trip to an archaeological trip to a grave site and some caves. There's us hiking to the graves. The lime green speck is me! Mom going to the viewing platform above the visitor center. Us looking at the archaeological site. Then we took a trip to the MLEIHA, ARCHAEOLOGICAL CENTRE which is a whole story about how this part of the UAE got inhabited. There was a museum with a bunch of ancient jars, spearheads, beads, necklaces, bracelets, camels, horses, and other weapons. They also re-created a grave with a horse and a camel. After that we went to our camp site! At our campsite, we went on a evolutionary based rock/plant hunt. When we got back it was already dark! Lots of torches and lanterns surrounding our campsite Then, we ate dinner that the Mleiha people cooked for us. We had a Arabic BBQ which was olives and br...