The Metal Mouth Brigade: Kautz Klan Edition.
Recently, there have been some changes in the ranking of certain members of the Kautz Clan. Now, there are not only the ranks of "Little", "Mid", (or "Bigs") and "Parental Unit", but if you happen to have been to the orthodontist recently, you may also be eligible for the revered title "Metal Mouth". The Metal Mouth Brigade has three divisions in our household so far, and each division specializes in a different branch of cake hole conundrum: Greta Adrielle Kautz Codename: OG MetalMouth The first member of the Metal Mouth Brigade Equipped with: Spacer Soon to be modified to include: Jaw Expander Eliza Claire Kautz Codename: TrainTracks The obligatorily second member of the Metal Mouth Brigade Equipped with: Braces Soon to be upgraded to version 2 featuring: Tongue Crib Henry John Kautz Codename: He has no code name. No nickname. CERTAINLY NOT BraceFace The third member of the Metal Mouth Brigade Equ