
Reader, whoever you might be, I apologize profusely for this ridiculously late blog post. This is dedicated to the man at the Colosseum who photobombed a picture, embarrassed his wife, and made my day. (he's waving) You may or may not be aware that K6UAE went on a joint vacay with M6USA, otherwise known as the Mossman Clan. Heck, this blog post is so late, y'all might have seen all the pictures already. We went to Italy, affectionately called Eataly or Nitaly, depending on who you are talking to. Since this was a really long vacation, and we had some pretty prolific picture-takers to the accompany the stunning sights, I'll use the play-by-play technique. June 8 (evening): Arriving in Milan and meeting up with the Mossmans: We... don't have any pictures, but I can tell you, it was a YUGE blessing to see some familiar faces from good ol' 'Murica. Ok, actually, we have one picture: Dad enjoying his first slice of real Italian pizza. Mmmmmmm ...