Saudi Arabia and an Arabian Horse Ranch Adventure

I have been to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) 9 different times already, and I find that hard to believe! Before moving to the Middle East, my KSA expectations were set by knowledge that 15 of the 19 September 11 hijackers came from the KSA, that Mecca and Medina where 2 of the 3 holy sites of Islam and are located in the KSA, that non-Islamic assembly and worship is forbidden there, and that free speed and women's rights are severely restricted. Because the US does a lot of business in the KSA, I have taken the time to learn more about the KSA's history, current culture and politics. While it is not a safe place for a Western Christian to just roam freely, it is a safe place to do business. Really though, how many places are safe enough to just roam freely regardless of your race, religion, etc.? I understand the anxiety and perspective of the Black Lives Matter movement much better now. Additionally the KSA Crown Prince Mohammad Bin Salman has in...