Easter in Abu Dhabi

Mostly this blog is a chance to write down our family memories of this place, to share our life here with people back home, and a chance to shake up the homeschool writing assignments for the kids. Most of the time what we're sharing are the typical social media "high lights". The adventures. The cultural changes we have had to get used to. And, I'm noticing in review, not nearly enough photos of the amazing food we've been eating. It looks like a lot of big adventure, living the expat life. But Christianity is not a big adventure. Especially being Christians in a Muslim country. It's not flashy or exciting. It's really a lot more lonely than I anticipated. Our biggest holiday is not a national holiday. In fact, Friday is the day set aside for worship. So church services are Friday morning (and we have "children's church" instead of Sunday School") and so Good Friday service was the big church day of the season. Eliza helped out...