DragonMart in Dubai

We had a hilarious adventure yesterday. Backstory: Ben has a remote-control truck that Henry broke a part on by smacking it into a lightpost at 20 mph and so we have been scouring all the hobby stores in AD to no avail. Our last hope was this place called DragonMart in Dubai which was supposed to have a store that sells his truck brand. We had heard recommendations to visit this DragonMart ("You can buy anything there -- cheap!") and so we drove there expecting it to be a mall of Chinese import stores. The newly opened DragonMart2 is just another giant mall here, except full of Chinese import stores that don't carry Ben's replacement part. BUT the original DragonMart, just across the road, is another adventure. It's a maze of little Chinese Import kiosks. We had a blast checking out the knock-offs. One of the most popular are Legos . Except they are Lepins . Apart from the names, almost everything on the box is a direct rip-off from Lego. Star Wars becom...